Wednesday, January 3, 2024

December 2023 In Review

 Books Read:

Dec 1st: Eyebrow retouch and Freckle Tattoos

Dec 5th: Gothard Sisters Christmas Concert with Briana at Lincoln City Cultural Center

Dec 6th: Watch Bennett at Connor's house, make Sheep ornament, watch My Neighbor Totoro

Dec 9th: It's a Wonderful Life: Radio Play at Lincoln City Cultural Center with Mom and Dad

Dec 19th: Landscapers did the looks so bare!!!

Dec 20th: Mo's Birthday, Walk on the Beach and dinner at Side Door Cafe

Dec 24th: Christmas Eve Traditional Treat/Jammie Box and Movie with Connor, Mo and Bennett

Dec 25th: Christmas Morning with Connor, Mo and Bennet. Then Christmas Day at Mom and Dad's

Monday, December 4, 2023

November 2023 In Review

 Books Read:

Nov 8th: Pick Krista up at PDX and grab Sushi at Yuubi before driving home

Nov 9th: Interview with Oregon Coast Today for Holiday Series

Nov 10th: Antiquing in Corvallis and Eugene with Krista

Nov 11th: Drive to Ilwaca, WA for Photo Shoot (antique along the way)

Nov 12th: Photo Shoot at Taft with Molly and Family, then Pacific City with Seran and Kyle in the rain

Nov 13th: Relax day with Krista

Nov 14th: Drop Krista off at PDX

Nov 21st: Take Mom and Dad to Salem to get Kona recall done and go to CostCo

Nov 22nd: Babysit Bennet

Nov 29th: Help Connor Move from Beaverton to apartment in Lincoln City

Friday, November 3, 2023

October 2023 In Review

 Books Read:

Oct 5th: Fly to Denver, stop by Terrorium and check into hotel, then pick Krista up at the airport

Oct 6th: Breakfast, then on the road to Cedaredge via Grand Mesa. Rehearsal for Lena and Wyatt's wedding at Ward Creek

October 7th: Early morning to do florals and decorate, photography Lena and Wyatt's wedding, then back to the AirBnB to Collapse

Oct 8th: Check out of AirBnB. Breakfast in town, then a drive through the backroads, grocery shopping and then to Ward Creek 

Oct 9th: Relax at Ward Creek, work on some collaborative art, soak in the hot tub, make yummy food, read, chat with Regna and John, attempted movie night but fell asleep

Oct 10th: Drove to Escalante Canyon and then back thru the Badlands, finish art piece. 

Oct 11th: Get up early and drive to Denver. Flight Home

Oct 19th: The HU concert in Portland with Dejan

Oct 26th: Rearrange plants in the corner and give myself an HAE Swell from lifting Christmas Cactus

Oct 28th: Halloween Party at The Pines Dine, rally myself with the help of pain meds and get dressed up to support Sweeney Gray and community

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

September 2023 In Review

Books Read:

Sept 9th: Game Night with Connor and Mo 

Sept 13th: Play with my new Dremel and make Shell Air Plant Jellyfish

Sept 28th: Beach walk with Connor and Mo

Some Sunsets:

Monday, September 4, 2023

August 2023 In Review

 Books Read:

Aug 1st: Train to Taastrup where Michael's house is. Grocery Shopping, Vallensbæk Strand to see the Baltic Sea and eat lunch at a little seaside cafe. Connor made Mac and Cheese and GF Carrot Cake for Michael's Birthday. Stay over to catch train in the morning

Aug 2nd: Train to Odense to meet Camilla and her daughter at IKEA. Lunch with Connor at the cutest little cafe. IKEA shop with Camilla and daughter/friends, Mall shopping and then dinner at IKEA cafe before driving to Camilla's house. Sat and chatted for the evening. Not a single Selfie was taken :(

Aug 3rd: Breakfast with Camilla then back on the train to Copenhagen. Walk through the Cemetery then rest for a night out on the town with Michael. Hotel Whiskey Bar, Centralhjørnet (Denmark's oldest Gay Bar,) Masken and then some Burger King before a bus home.

Aug 4th: Shopping and Konditori la Glace Bakery in City Center with Regna before a Flight to Ireland

Aug 5th: Dublin -Breakfast at the hotel (Staunton's on the Green,) a walk through St Stephen's Green, Shopping near Trinity College, Dublin Castle Gardens, taxi to Botanical Gardens, Rest for a bit then Dinner at Mat the Thresher

Aug 6th: Walk thru Dublin to take a DART trip to Howth, lunch on the pier, ferry trip to Ireland's Eye, then dinner at a pub for Guinness Stew and Shephard's Pie. Connor had his first shot of Whiskey. Jameson, of course. Late night Flight back to Copenhagen.

Aug 7th: Dinner with Regna and Michael, then bus to airport and flight home.

Aug 17-19th: Zach, Anja and Angus here to visit with Dad (he still isn't doing well) Yardwork, put in some safety things at the house, buy Dad a walker, help clean up....very few photos taken somehow 

Aug 24th-30th: Connor's friend Zack came to visit from Boise and stayed at the house. They came and went as they pleased, but I was able to play games, eat yummy Connor food, go to the beach and the Aquarium with them all