Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #39...

Well, Christmas is over...hope it was wonderful! Now it is time to start thinking Resolutions!! :D ;) I make a few each year and see how long I can keep them up...I did pretty good this year, I lost 20 pounds (well, it WAS 20, I think officially it will be 15 by nest Thurs! LOL)

This week's Cupcakes will hopefully get you started on that resolution to make more cards, send birthday cards on time or blog more (a few of the recent stamper resolutions I have heard.) Brought to us by ccyhan...

Make sure to check out all the Sweet creations by the HSE Sweeties...

~ Bonnie (not playing this week) ~ Carolina ~ Colleen (up late) ~ Jessica ~ Kelli ~ Michelle (up late) ~ Natalie ~ Teresa ~

and our Fabulous Guest Sweetie, Elena!

On a personal note I just want to thank my WONDERFUL Sweeties, they have been with
me for the last 6 months and it has been such a pleasure to have worked with them!
Although their 6 month term as HSE Sweeties is over, I look forward to the friendship we
will share. I loved getting to know them and seeing all of their Wonderful creations week
after week! Thanks ladies!!! From the bottom of my heart, I'll miss you!!!!

Here are a few peeks...

We would love to have you play along this week! Make sure to add a direct link to your
NEW creation on Mr Linky below by Saturday, Jan 2nd at 9 pm MT. If you upload
to a public gallery like SCS or PCP make sure to use keyword CIC39 so we can easily
find you. Remember, no cupcake stamps are required! I will post the Top 5 next Sunday!


  1. Thank you so much for providing fun challenges each Sunday for us, Rachel!
    I enjoyed being a Sweetie this month! Thank you for making me feel so special! :)
    Happy New Year to you and family!

  2. I'm so bummed there was no time last week to play in the challenge. This is a cute one too and I've done pretty good playing, but there's always room for improvement right? Happy New Year Rachel!

  3. As always some "awesome" cards from all the Sweeties. You will be missed.

    Thanks again Rachel for one of my all time Favorite challenges. Here's looking forward to many more in 2010!

  4. RACHEL!!! I will miss you too and all the funny little e-mails - I giggled too much if there is such a thing!! Such a wonderfully creative and inspiring time I had being a Sweetie - LOVED every minute of it!! Thankyou so much!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! It means a lot to me that you follow my work and take the time to share how you feel! {SMILES}